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2 .c文件


/********************************************************************* * INCLUDES */#include "service_init.h"#include "simple_uart.h"#include "in_flash_manage.h"#include "ble_data.h"#include "ble_center.h"#include "simple_peripheral_oad_onchip.h"static ProfileCBs_t *Profile_AppCBs = NULL;// step 1/**********************************************************************************************///============ uuid 赋值==================// Simple GATT Profile Service UUID: 0xFFF0 uint8 FExx_PrimaServUUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] ={
LO_UINT16(FEx1_UUID), HI_UINT16(FEx1_UUID)};// Characteristic 2 UUID: 0xFFF2 uint8 FFx2_UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] ={
LO_UINT16(FEx2_UUID), HI_UINT16(FEx2_UUID)};// Characteristic 3 UUID: 0xFFF3 uint8 FFx3_UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] ={
LO_UINT16(FEx3_UUID), HI_UINT16(FEx3_UUID)};// Characteristic 4 UUID: 0xFFF4uint8 FFx4_UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] ={
LO_UINT16(FEx4_UUID), HI_UINT16(FEx4_UUID)};static CONST gattAttrType_t Profile_Service = {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, FExx_PrimaServUUID }; /********************************************************************************************************/// step 2:通道特征//================FEx1 通道==========================================// Propertiesstatic uint8 FEx1_Props = GATT_PROP_NOTIFY;static uint8 FEx1_char_valu[BLE_SEND_LEN];// Valuestatic gattCharCfg_t *FEx1_Config;static uint8 FEx1_UserDesp[17] = "rx_data";// User Description//================FEx2通道========================================// Propertiesstatic uint8 FEx2_Props = GATT_PROP_WRITE_NO_RSP;static uint8 FEx2_char_valu[BLE_SEND_LEN] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };static uint8 FEX2_UserDesp[17] = "tx_data";//==================FEx3 通道=======================================// Propertiesstatic uint8 FEx3_Props = GATT_PROP_NOTIFY;static uint8 FEx3_char_valu[BLE_SEND_LEN];// Valuestatic gattCharCfg_t *FEx3_Config;static uint8 FEx3_UserDesp[17] = "rx_at_cmd";////==================FEx4通道===========================================// Propertiesstatic uint8 FEx4_Props = GATT_PROP_WRITE_NO_RSP;static uint8 FEx4_char_valu[BLE_SEND_LEN] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };static uint8 FEX4_UserDesp[17] = "tx_at_cmd";uint8_t ble_write_len=0;/********************************************************************* * Profile Attributes - Tabled 属性表 */static gattAttribute_t ProfileAttrTbl[SERVAPP_NUM_ATTR_SUPPORTED] ={
// Simple Profile Service {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, primaryServiceUUID }, /* type */ GATT_PERMIT_READ, /* permissions */ 0, /* handle */ (uint8 *)&Profile_Service /* pValue */ },/************************ FEX1 *******************************/ // Declaration {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &FEx1_Props }, // Characteristic Value {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, FFx1_UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, FEx1_char_valu }, // Characteristic configuration {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, clientCharCfgUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, (uint8 *)&FEx1_Config }, // Characteristic User Description {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, FEx1_UserDesp }, /***********************************FEX2 *******************/ // Declaration {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &FEx2_Props }, // Characteristic Value {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, FFx2_UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, FEx2_char_valu }, // User Description {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, FEX2_UserDesp },/************************ FEX3 *******************************/ // Declaration {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &FEx3_Props }, // Characteristic Value 9 {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, FFx3_UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, FEx3_char_valu }, // Characteristic configuration {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, clientCharCfgUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, (uint8 *)&FEx3_Config }, // Characteristic User Description {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, FEx3_UserDesp },/***********************************FEX4 *******************/ // Declaration {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &FEx4_Props }, // Characteristic Value {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, FFx4_UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, FEx4_char_valu }, // User Description {
ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, FEX4_UserDesp },};/********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS */static bStatus_t Profile_ReadAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t *pLen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t maxLen, uint8_t method);static bStatus_t Profile_WriteAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset, uint8_t method);CONST gattServiceCBs_t ProfileCBs ={
Profile_ReadAttrCB, // Read callback function pointer Profile_WriteAttrCB, // Write callback function pointer NULL // Authorization callback function pointer};/********************************************************* * * @ 注册app 服务 */bStatus_t Profile_AddService( uint32 services ){
uint8 status;/************************* fex1 cccd *************************************************************/ FEx1_Config = (gattCharCfg_t *)ICall_malloc( sizeof(gattCharCfg_t) * MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS ); if ( FEx1_Config == NULL ) {
return ( bleMemAllocError ); } // Initialize Client Characteristic Configuration attributes GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( LINKDB_CONNHANDLE_INVALID, FEx1_Config ); /************************* fex3 cccd *************************************************************/ FEx3_Config = (gattCharCfg_t *)ICall_malloc( sizeof(gattCharCfg_t) * MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS ); if ( FEx3_Config == NULL ) {
return ( bleMemAllocError ); } // Initialize Client Characteristic Configuration attributes GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( LINKDB_CONNHANDLE_INVALID, FEx3_Config ); //服务初始化 if ( services & PROFILE_SERVICE ) {
// Register GATT attribute list and CBs with GATT Server App status = GATTServApp_RegisterService( ProfileAttrTbl, GATT_NUM_ATTRS(ProfileAttrTbl ), GATT_MAX_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE, &ProfileCBs ); } else {
status = SUCCESS; } return ( status );}//*********************************************************************// 注册 appbStatus_t Profile_RegisterAppCBs(ProfileCBs_t *appCallbacks ){
if ( appCallbacks ) {
Profile_AppCBs = appCallbacks; return ( SUCCESS ); } else {
return ( bleAlreadyInRequestedMode ); }}// *********************************************************************// 设置 uuid uint8 check_err =0;bStatus_t Profile_SetParameter( uint8 param, uint8 len, void *value ){
bStatus_t ret = SUCCESS; switch ( param ) {
case CHAR_FEx1_ID: if ( len <=BLE_SEND_LEN ) {
memcpy(FEx1_char_valu,(uint8 *)value,len); // See if Notification has been enabled check_err = GATTServApp_ProcessCharCfg( FEx1_Config, FEx1_char_valu, FALSE, ProfileAttrTbl, GATT_NUM_ATTRS( ProfileAttrTbl ), INVALID_TASK_ID, Profile_ReadAttrCB ); } else {
ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case CHAR_FEx2_ID: if ( len <= BLE_SEND_LEN ) {
VOID memcpy(FEx2_char_valu, value, BLE_SEND_LEN ); } else {
ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case CHAR_FEx3_ID: if ( len <=BLE_SEND_LEN ) {
memcpy(FEx3_char_valu,(uint8 *)value,len); // See if Notification has been enabled GATTServApp_ProcessCharCfg( FEx3_Config, FEx3_char_valu, FALSE, ProfileAttrTbl, GATT_NUM_ATTRS( ProfileAttrTbl ), INVALID_TASK_ID, Profile_ReadAttrCB ); } else {
ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case CHAR_FEx4_ID: if ( len <= BLE_SEND_LEN ) {
VOID memcpy(FEx4_char_valu, value, BLE_SEND_LEN ); } else {
ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; default: ret = INVALIDPARAMETER; break; } return ( ret );}//*********************************************************************// 得到特征值数据---bStatus_t Profile_GetParameter( uint8 param, void *value ){
bStatus_t ret = SUCCESS; switch ( param ) {
case CHAR_FEx1_ID: *((uint8*)value) = FEx1_char_valu[0]; break; case CHAR_FEx2_ID: VOID memcpy( value,FEx2_char_valu, ble_write_len ); break; case CHAR_FEx3_ID: *((uint8*)value) = FEx3_char_valu[0]; break; case CHAR_FEx4_ID: VOID memcpy( value,FEx4_char_valu, ble_write_len ); break; default: ret = INVALIDPARAMETER; break; } return ( ret );} /**********************************************************************/ //特征值读取操作 static bStatus_t Profile_ReadAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t *pLen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t maxLen, uint8_t method){
bStatus_t status = SUCCESS; // Make sure it's not a blob operation (no attributes in the profile are long) if ( offset > 0 ) {
return ( ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_LONG ); } if ( pAttr->type.len == ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE ) {
// 16-bit UUID uint16 uuid = BUILD_UINT16( pAttr->type.uuid[0], pAttr->type.uuid[1]); if(uuid==FEx1_UUID) {
*pLen = BLE_SEND_LEN; pValue[0] = *pAttr->pValue; } else if(uuid==FEx2_UUID) {
*pLen = BLE_SEND_LEN; VOID memcpy( pValue, pAttr->pValue, BLE_SEND_LEN ); } else if(uuid==FEx3_UUID) {
*pLen = BLE_SEND_LEN; VOID memcpy( pValue, pAttr->pValue, BLE_SEND_LEN ); } else if(uuid==FEx4_UUID) {
*pLen = BLE_SEND_LEN; VOID memcpy( pValue, pAttr->pValue, BLE_SEND_LEN ); } else {
*pLen = 0; status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } } else {
// 128-bit UUID *pLen = 0; status = ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } return ( status );}//*********************************************************************//特征值写操作和notifyuint8 uuid_data[20] ;uint16 write_uuid= 0;static bStatus_t Profile_WriteAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset, uint8_t method){
bStatus_t status = SUCCESS; uint8 notifyApp = 0xFF; write_uuid= 0; if ( pAttr->type.len == ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE ) {
// 16-bit UUID write_uuid = BUILD_UINT16( pAttr->type.uuid[0], pAttr->type.uuid[1]); if(write_uuid==GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID) // cccf 打开notify开关 {
status = GATTServApp_ProcessCCCWriteReq( connHandle, pAttr, pValue, len, offset, GATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY ); ble_uart_send_data("cccfg\r\n",6); }/************************************** fex2通道写入函数 ****************************************************************/ if(write_uuid== FEx2_UUID ) {
if ( offset == 0 ) {
if ( len <= BLE_SEND_LEN ) {
ble_write_len= len; } } else {
status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_LONG; } //Write the value if ( status == SUCCESS ) {
VOID osal_memcpy( pAttr->pValue, pValue, ble_write_len ); if( pAttr->pValue == FEx2_char_valu) notifyApp = CHAR_FEx2_ID; } else {
// Should never get here! (characteristics 2 and 4 do not have write permissions) status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } }/************************************** fex4通道写入函数 ****************************************************************/ if(write_uuid== FEx4_UUID ) {
if ( offset == 0 ) {
if ( len <= BLE_SEND_LEN ) {
// status = ATT_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_SIZE; ble_write_len= len; } } else {
status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_LONG; } //Write the value if ( status == SUCCESS ) {
VOID osal_memcpy( pAttr->pValue, pValue, ble_write_len ); if( pAttr->pValue == FEx4_char_valu) notifyApp = CHAR_FEx4_ID; } else {
// Should never get here! (characteristics 2 and 4 do not have write permissions) status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } } } else {
// 128-bit UUID// const uint8 uuid[ATT_UUID_SIZE] =// {
// BLE_BASE_UUID_128(BUILD_UINT16( pAttr->type.uuid[12], pAttr->type.uuid[13])) // }; } // If a characteristic value changed then callback function to notify application of change if ( (notifyApp != 0xFF ) && Profile_AppCBs && Profile_AppCBs->pfn_ProfileChange ) {
Profile_AppCBs->pfn_ProfileChange( notifyApp ); } return ( status );}/*************************************************************** * * 从机 app写入数据函数 */uint8 ble_data[300];extern status_t SimplePeripheral_enqueueMsg(uint8_t event, void *pData);static void Peripheral_charValueChangeCB(uint8_t paramId){
switch(paramId) {
case CHAR_FEx2_ID: Profile_GetParameter(CHAR_FEx2_ID, ble_data); ble_queue_data_in(ble_data,ble_write_len,MASTER_SPP); break; case CHAR_FEx4_ID: Profile_GetParameter(CHAR_FEx4_ID, ble_data); ble_queue_data_in(ble_data,ble_write_len,MASTER_AT); break; default: // should not reach here! break; } return ;}// Simple GATT Profile Callbacksstatic ProfileCBs_t Peripheral_simpleProfileCBs ={
Peripheral_charValueChangeCB // Characteristic value change callback};/****************************************** * * @ 用户私有服务初始化 */void user_serv_init(void){
Profile_AddService(GATT_ALL_SERVICES); uint8_t char_Value[20] = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6,4,8,6,1,8}; Profile_SetParameter(CHAR_FEx1_ID,sizeof(char_Value),char_Value); Profile_SetParameter(CHAR_FEx2_ID, sizeof(char_Value),char_Value); Profile_SetParameter(CHAR_FEx3_ID, sizeof(char_Value),char_Value); Profile_SetParameter(CHAR_FEx4_ID, sizeof(char_Value),char_Value); Profile_RegisterAppCBs(&Peripheral_simpleProfileCBs);}




#ifndef service_init_h_#define service_init_h_#include "_hal_types.h"#include "bcomdef.h"#include 
#include "util.h"/* This Header file contains all BLE API and icall structure definition */#include "icall_ble_api.h"#include "simple_gatt_profile.h"#ifdef SYSCFG#include "ti_ble_config.h"#endif// 0x0000fee0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb -----逆序过来#define BLE_BASE_UUID_128( uuid ) 0xfb, 0x34, 0x9b, 0x5f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, \ 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, LO_UINT16( uuid ), HI_UINT16( uuid ), 0x00, 0x00// prima----uuid#define PRIMA_SERV_UUID 0xFEE0// char uuid#define FEx1_UUID 0xFEE0#define FEx2_UUID 0xFEE1#define FEx3_UUID 0xFEE2#define FEx4_UUID 0xFEE3#define SERVAPP_NUM_ATTR_SUPPORTED 15// 属性表大小//属性在属性表中的偏移值 cc偏移值#define ATTRTBL_FEx1_IDX 2#define ATTRTBL_FEx1_CCC_IDX 3//属性在属性表中的偏移值 ccfg#define ATTRTBL_FEx3_IDX 9#define ATTRTBL_FEx3_CCC_IDX 11// step 3// Profile Parameters#define CHAR_FEx1_ID 0 //#define CHAR_FEx2_ID 1 //#define CHAR_FEx3_ID 2 //#define CHAR_FEx4_ID 3 //// Simple Keys Profile Services bit fields#define PROFILE_SERVICE 0x00000001// Length of Characteristic 5 in bytes#define BLE_SEND_LEN 247// 服务事件-------------- #define SP_CHAR_CHANGE_EVT 0x41 extern uint8 FExx_PrimaServUUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE];// Callback when a characteristic value has changedtypedef void (*ProfileChange_t)( uint8 paramID );typedef struct{
ProfileChange_t pfn_ProfileChange; // Called when characteristic value changes} ProfileCBs_t;/********************************************************************* * API FUNCTIONS */extern bStatus_t Profile_AddService( uint32 services );extern bStatus_t Profile_RegisterAppCBs( ProfileCBs_t *appCallbacks );extern bStatus_t Profile_SetParameter( uint8 param, uint8 len, void *value );extern bStatus_t Profile_GetParameter( uint8 param, void *value );void user_serv_init(void);uint16_t get_ble_conncet_handle(void);void start_uart_time_ms(bool type);uint16_t ble_send_data(uint8_t *dataout,uint16_t len,uint16_t max_len,uint8 role);uint16_t FEx3_send_data(uint8_t *dataout,uint16_t len,uint16_t max_len,bool is_spp);uint8 is_ble_conn_state(void);#endif

4 send data函数

/***************************************************************** * * Send_Notify 函数  高类聚-低耦合 * @param: CHAR_FEx1_ID(通道一) ----CHAR_FEx3_ID(通道三) */void ble_Send_Notify( uint8 param, uint8 *pValue, uint8 len){
attHandleValueNoti_t noti; uint16 value; uint16 Conn_Handle=0; Conn_Handle = connList[get_currt_conn_num()-1].connHandle; // 通道1 if(CHAR_FEx1_ID==param) {
value = GATTServApp_ReadCharCfg( Conn_Handle, FEx1_Config);//读出CCC } else {
value = GATTServApp_ReadCharCfg( Conn_Handle, FEx3_Config);//读出CCC } //判断CCC是否被打开 if ( value & GATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY ) {
//分配发送数据缓冲区 noti.pValue = GATT_bm_alloc(Conn_Handle, ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NOTI, BLE_SEND_LEN, NULL); //分配成功,则发送数据 if(noti.pValue != NULL) {
if(CHAR_FEx1_ID==param) // 通道1 noti.handle = ProfileAttrTbl[ATTRTBL_FEx1_IDX].handle; else noti.handle = ProfileAttrTbl[ATTRTBL_FEx3_IDX].handle; noti.len = len; memcpy( noti.pValue, pValue, len); //填充数据 //发送数据 if (GATT_Notification(Conn_Handle, &noti, FALSE) != SUCCESS) {
// ble_uart_send_data("notif6",6); GATT_bm_free((gattMsg_t *)&noti, ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NOTI); return; } } }}




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